Teaching your baby to be a rockstar sleeper is life-changing. Everyone in the family gets the sleep they need, your baby is growing and thriving and you get ‘Met Time”. If you can get a few amazing baby products to make learning independent sleep easier and to keep it intact, I say it’s worth it.
Sleep And Illness
Benefits of Sleep For Babies & Kids
One of the most frustrating sleep myths out there is parents hearing they should sacrifice sleep for several years once their baby is born. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem and not a badge of honor. How is sacrificing your health and mood something that should be done for several years? And, if you’re exhausted from a broken night’s sleep, your child must be feeling it too.
Number 1 Bedtime Routine Mistake
Newborn Baby Sleep Basics: What You Need To Know
My Baby Won’t Sleep. Is It Teething?
Teething gets blamed for it all. Fussy baby? It’s probably teething. Your baby is drooling a lot, his hands are always in his mouth and his cheeks are red. Yup, teething. He wakes up multiple times a night. Could be teething. Let’s debunk a few myths about teething and learn how and why you can have a baby that sleeps well and has teeth.
Tips For Surviving The Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression
The four-month sleep regression is, by far, the most well know regression of them all. As a certified sleep consultant, it is the number one reason parents of babies reach to me. Their baby, who once fell asleep relatively easily now take over an hour to go to sleep at bedtime. Or, baby is awake every 1-2 hours all night long and take short 30 minute naps. Learn why the regression is actually a progression along with tips to get through it.
4 Common Sleep Myths
Seven Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety
How Do You know If Your Baby Is Ready To Transition From A 3 To A 2 Nap Schedule?
As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I spend a lot of time talking to parents about when and how to transition a nap schedule. For the most part, it comes down to knowing how long your baby should be awake. Once you know that information, you can get a better understanding of how many naps a day your baby will take.