
Keeping Your Child's Sleep In Tact Over The Holidays

Tis’ the season of family gatherings, parties, fun traditions, and more.  It really is my favorite time of year.  For some parents, it’s an extremely stressful time especially if you’re balancing all of the holiday fun while running on empty.  Let’s talk about the holidays and your child’s sleep. If your kiddo is not a great sleeper, I can help. If you’ve got the sleep thing down, I’ll share tips on keeping it intact while during this season of joy.

My Child Is Not A Great Sleeper. Help!

First of all, if you’re in the camp of the holidays being extra exhausting because sleep is a struggle at home and you know it gets even more challenging with house guests or while you’re out of town, we can fix that if you have a couple of weeks on your calendar. Book a call with me and let’s talk about getting sleep training started so that you have a rockstar sleeper in tow. You’ll actually be able to put your child to sleep and then enjoy time with your family. I promise. It’s AMAZING. If you don’t have 2-3 weeks on your calendar, make it a priority for 2024, and rest assured next year’s holidays will be a breeze.

My Child Is A Great Sleeper. Let’s Keep It Going.

Once you’ve taught your bundle of joy to be a great sleeper, it’s about keeping the consistency 80% of the time and not messing with it for more than a couple of days in a row. So plan to have a nap on the go, adjust the timing of naps or bedtime to allow for more holiday fun, just don’t overdo it.  Kids who are independent sleepers do fabulously with sleeping in new places, other people putting them to bed and being “off” their schedule from time to time.

Holiday Travel

If you’re going to be out of town make sure to bring all of the goodies that help make sleep away a breeze. If you are going to be in a hotel I’ve got an entire post on how to do that successfully. Read all about it here.

For the actual travel day, don’t even stress about naps. Let them happen when and where baby falls asleep. 

Here’s my Go-To list for travel.

  1. Slumberpod- It’s my absolute favorite as it ensures a dark sleep environment and IS a visual barrier. (discount code: ANDIMETZLER10)

  2. Travel-sized sound machine

  3. Travel crib or Pack N-Play

  4. Sleep Sacks

  5. Lovies or stuffies

Meal Time

If you aren’t going to be in town for the big family meal, let’s talk about some workarounds.  For example, ask the host what time the meal will be served. If it’s right when naptime starts, you can often put your kiddo down a bit early and wake them up in time to enjoy part of it.  

Ask the host if you can bring all of your sleep goodies, put your child down for a nap and enjoy eating a hot meal and catching up with your family.  A baby or toddler is not going to know what they are missing and nobody is enjoying the meal if you’ve got an overtired baby. Especially not Mama.

For an older toddler (over 2.5 years old), you can often skip the nap but definitely plan on a super early bedtime. Most likely 6:30.

Judgment From Family & Friends

This one is not easy. I’ve been there. I oftentimes find that when friends and family share their unsolicited advice, they don’t know the full story or why you choose to do what you do.  For example, most people don’t know how much sleep kids need and think getting 8 hours should cut it.  They may not know that when your kiddo stays up too late they have a major meltdown due to being overtired. Share if you’d like, but it’s really none of anyone’s business.

My Suggestions

  • Honor your kid’s sleep needs. Yes, bend the “rules”, but don’t do it to the point where the whole next day is going to be a hot mess. You know your kid’s limits.

  • Stay firm with what you are going to do and don’t bend to the pressure.

  • Who is there to back you up? Is it your partner? A family member who has “been there”. Find backup beforehand.

With a little planning and preparation, you can enjoy the holidays with well-rested kiddos, even if the family is in town or you are traveling.  If that’s not your reality, book a call and we will make it happen.