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Listen to this episode and learn what you can do to create a solid sleep foundation and support your baby’s – and yours! – sleep habits early on.
Tips for Surviving the Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression
“…The four-month sleep regression, although inappropriately named, is a real thing, ya’ll. Ask any parent who has suffered from the sleepless nights and chronically short naps…”
How do you know if your baby is ready to transition from a 3 to a 2 nap schedule? By Andi Metzler
“…First, there are signs to look for when determining if your baby is ready to transition to 2 naps…”
Family Sleep Consulting with Andi Metzler By Shahana Khatoon
“…Having personal experience of sleep deprivation, Andi chose to help others with this issue. We talked to Andi Metzler to understand how she makes sure that these families get what they want – their hard-earned sleep-full nights!…”
Best way for new parents to get some sleep By Dane Edmondson
"...Educated in the Sleep Sense philosophy by world-renowned sleep expert Dana Obelman, [Andi Metzler] uses these skills to coach struggling parents and kids alike. By working together, her and the family can comfortably answer questions and solve issues..."
“Help! My Daughter Won’t Sleep in Her Bed” by Alyssa Shelasky
“… We had a problem… My three-and-a-half year old, Hazel, wears sundresses in the winter, and ski boots in the summer. Instead of puzzles, we do nail polish. Instead of legos, she wants to freeze-dance. When she was a baby, she napped in restaurant nooks and on bookstore shag rugs, but never, ever, in a crib. Suffice it to say: I am not a mother who ever got bedtime right…
Sleep Stories
These are just some of the parents That Have entrusted Me with their children and I’m eternally grateful…
He is Sleeping peacefully, in his crib, in his room…
“Charley would wake up every hour and needed to nurse to get back to sleep. Needless to say, he kept me up all night for months. Naps required my full attention until he fell asleep nursing and I could sneak away. We knew crying it out did not fit our family and trying to put him down drowsy as suggested by our pediatrician was an epic fail. Finally at eight months old, we decided to get help. Andi was suggested by a mutual friend. Andi was thorough during our consult as she was trying to get an understanding of our troubles. You hear that every baby is unique, but Andi understood what we were going through which was reassuring. The plan tailored to Charley was easy to understand and there weren’t any surprises since we talked about it in the consult. Each support phone call gave us an opportunity to reflect on what we did and how Charley responded. She gave smart tips and critiques to help guide us to our goal. Her email support was also fantastic. I didn’t have to wait long for a response and she was detailed when answering questions. She even helped us through a rough patch when Charley started teething. End result: He is sleeping peacefully in his crib in his room. He is a much happier baby when awake which allows him to learn at a greater rate. Nap times are predictable. Mama, Dada, and our dog are finally able to get a restful night sleep. If you have a baby like us or a toddler who has kept you up all night and you find yourself pulling your hair in sleep deprived frustration, I highly recommend Andi for your sleep problems. She has given us a happier well rested baby and our sanity back.”
We Finally Have a Sleep Plan That Is Working And Keeping Us All In Bed At Night…
“Andi was instrumental in helping us with our daughter who was not sleeping through the night. Every night at 2 AM we would get this little person plop down in our bed and scream and cry when we put her back in her bed. It was awful. For months we tried all kinds of stuff and then someone told me about Andi and new business. I have known Andrea for years and I know she only commits to stuff that she is passionate about. As a former master teacher I know she knows her stuff and how to deal with kids at all levels. Due to Andi’s diligence and commitment to our daughter and my family, we finally have a sleep plan that is working and keeping us all in bed at night. I would highly recommend the program, but more importantly I would highly recommend Andi as your coach. The program was worth every penny in my opinion and I am so thankful that she took us under her wing.”
He is a Happier Baby and We Are A Happier Family…
“We went from having George sleeping in our bed with us, waking multiple times a night to nurse and not feeling safe with him being so high up on our bed, to him sleeping in his own room, in his own bed with a safe routine. He has a morning and afternoon nap and sleeps all through the night. He is a happier baby and we are a happier family. We get quality time with our older son and are not worried about George falling off of the bed. Our family has more energy to spend doing things we love – bike rides, going to the park, playing together. I also am more focused at work since I am getting a full night’s sleep.
I would definitely recommend Andi’s services to any parent who is struggling with sleep and who wants their child to be as happy and healthy as possible. I liked the sleep plan that Andi put together for George and that I can refer to it at any time. She laid everything out so well and when I was at rock bottom, she was there to encourage and give support.”
My Baby Sleeps Through The Night…
“Since working with Andi, my baby sleeps through the night!! Andi was so encouraging and understanding. I felt like I had a ton of support. I am starting to get more sleep because my baby is getting more sleep. It’s been such a blessing.
I would recommend Andi’s services to anyone who would like to help their baby learn amazing sleep skills. The most important thing is that she gives great information and tips, but as parents we are the ones who have to follow the schedule to see the results. I really enjoyed working with Andi, and I am so pleased that my baby is sleeping through the night!!”
On the rare occasion she wakes up, it’s a quick visit and she’s back to sleep…
“Working with Andi was life changing for us! We were overwhelmed helping our toddler get to sleep for hours many times a night. Now sleep is easy, enjoyable and simple. Our daughter is proud of her bedtime routine and sleep is worlds easier for her! On the rare occasion she wakes up, it’s a quick visit and she’s back to sleep. We wouldn’t be here without Andi’s help and support!”
It was so great to have an accountability partner…
“Before sleep training, I was confined to an endless nighttime routine of nursing and fussing. It was so great to have an accountability partner, and a personal coach when I ran into obstacles, confusion, or doubt. Andi was a phone call or text away, and now my almost-two-year-old son is sleeping through the night!”
My husband and I are sleeping now too!
“I used to dread bedtime because I knew our 10 month-old daughter would be up in a hour or two. We went from 4-8 wake ups a night, countless night nursing sessions, lots of tears and she only wanted mama…to a little girl who happily lays down on her own now and sleeps through the night. And she lets Dad put her down now too! Bedtime is now special and enjoyable for all of us.
Andi didn’t push us. She gave us our plan and then just gently nudged and advised, allowing us to feel like we had a say in the process as well.
My husband and I are sleeping now too! And now we have a routine. There’s no guessing when our daughter is going to fall asleep. We know when it’s time and it’s easier to make plans and know we’ll have a happy baby.
This plan works!! I would recommend Andi Metzler Sleep Consulting to any new parent or anyone struggling with sleep. Andi is very helpful and knowledgeable and doesn’t push anything on you. She’s the expert but somehow made me feel like I was the one in control because I had all the tools.
On day 6 of our sleep training, we had a death in the family and we traveled a lot for the following two weeks because of it. We decided to be consistent with the plan and seriously we are so amazed with how quickly the baby caught on. I can’t say it enough – if you follow the plan Andi maps out for you and be consistent, it WILL work!”
Andi gave constant support…
“Finnley went from waking up every two hours and not being able to put himself to sleep to being able to settle himself and waking up once to feed. We put him to bed around 7:30 and he sleeps until 6 or 7. More than that, I love our little bedtime routine that we’ve established. It’s become a special part of our day.
Andi gave constant support. I talked with her almost every day and she answered my many questions. I really appreciate the routine we’ve introduced. It is so much better for our family.
I would recommend Andi’s services to any parent struggling with sleep time. Andi will give you the tools but it’s up to you to use them consistently. You have to follow through to see results.
It really was great! If Finnley ever has a toddler sleep regression (which I heard can happen), I will totally be reaching back out for Andi’s help!”
The positive effects of getting enough sleep have overflowed into the rest of the day…
“We all know the feeling when our children have a meltdown in the check-out line and the pain from biting our tongue as the person behind us in line verbalizes how they would handle the problem. This was my fear in asking for help with an issue that affects our entire family. Sleep. With the arrival of our newborn son and after sharing our bed with our daughter for four years my husband and I were desperate to have a full night’s rest. Bed sharing became a method of survival. My husband constantly travels for work and usually leaves and returns home before the sun is up. Although it appeared that our daughter was getting better sleep, that fact was we all became sleep deprived. I recently met Andi at a mom’s group, she was our speaker for that day. Not only did everything she spoke about hit home, I also came to the realization that it was time to get our bedroom routine in order. I wish I had met Andi sooner! With her guidance, support and amazingly simple methods we had our daughter sleeping without tears in her own room within days! She helped us achieve something I never thought was possible – a full night’s rest. And the positive effects of getting enough sleep have overflowed into the rest of the day. My daughter is happier, eats better and those meltdowns rarely happen. My husband’s traveling no longer affects her schedule and I feel that the confidence she has gained has given her more security. Thank you Andi for your gentle correction in bad sleep habits! We look forward to working with you as we get our son crib trained.
After Andi helped us sleep train our five year old daughter, I knew I needed her help in providing the tools we needed to get our 9 month old son sleep trained. Since his training everyone is getting a full night’s rest. And Jake now has the ability to fall asleep within minutes, on his own! Not only have our nights gotten better so has our day time naps and eating schedule. Thank you Andi for providing my family with the support, tools and encouragement we needed to create peaceful bedtime routines and have a full night’s rest.”
Even when her entire city was on fire and she nearly lost her home, she still took the time to continue our training…
“We were skeptical. We didn’t think Jude (5 months) would ever sleep. It felt like we had that one special child, and nothing was going to work. After following Andi’s plan, Jude now wakes once during the night to feed. He was waking every few hours. He also wouldn’t take naps, and now he does.
Andi is so professional, and she understands the process. We felt confident that she knew what she was doing, and she was so diligent about contacting us. Even when her entire city was on fire and she nearly lost her home, she still took the time to continue our training. That’s dedication!
Most importantly we feel more confident, and we have a routine. Jude finally has more structure which is what he needed. We feel good knowing that sleep is the healing that he needs. That’s more important especially when he’s teething or sick. We were always making excuses, and this process helped us.
We would absolutely recommend Andi to any friends or family with sleep problems or anyone in need of routine.
I worked with Andi, and I knew that she was an amazing teacher. She strived for excellence, and I knew that those skills would cross over into this field. She works hard, and takes her craft seriously.”
I no longer have anxiety about when and how often he will wake up at night, and therefore we are ALL sleeping better…
“My son was 4 1/2 months when I finally contacted Andi. He had just transitioned from his bassinet and swaddle to his crib and sleep sack, and was having a very hard time staying asleep. Some nights he would be up 4-5 times and could only go back to sleep if I nursed or rocked him. I realized this was not sustainable once I went back to work, and after a quick Google search, found Andi. After a brief phone consultation, she made it a priority to come to our home as soon as she was able, and did an assessment of Justin’s room. She gave suggestions for making it a more optimal place for Justin to sleep, and then laid out a detailed plan for us to follow. This plan was tailored to Justin’s specific sleep associations, age, bedtime routine, and nap patterns. I was worried about eliminating his night feedings, but Andi did not require that for Justin. Instead, he ended up dropping his night feedings on his own within 5 days. And by night 6, Justin was going to bed with zero tears, at a reasonable time, and sleeping 11-12 hours through the night. My husband and I couldn’t believe it, and now once Justin is asleep by 7:30, I no longer have anxiety about when and how often he will wake up at night, and therefore we are ALL sleeping better. I truly feel like we gave Justin a gift by teaching him to soothe himself to sleep, and every morning when I go to get him out of his crib, he is all smiles. I can’t recommend this program enough, and I believe that if the parents are consistent with implementing their baby’s specific plan, they will see results sooner than expected.”