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Listen to this episode and learn what you can do to create a solid sleep foundation and support your baby’s – and yours! – sleep habits early on.
Tips for Surviving the Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression
“…The four-month sleep regression, although inappropriately named, is a real thing, ya’ll. Ask any parent who has suffered from the sleepless nights and chronically short naps…”
How do you know if your baby is ready to transition from a 3 to a 2 nap schedule? By Andi Metzler
“…First, there are signs to look for when determining if your baby is ready to transition to 2 naps…”
Family Sleep Consulting with Andi Metzler By Shahana Khatoon
“…Having personal experience of sleep deprivation, Andi chose to help others with this issue. We talked to Andi Metzler to understand how she makes sure that these families get what they want – their hard-earned sleep-full nights!…”
Best way for new parents to get some sleep By Dane Edmondson
"...Educated in the Sleep Sense philosophy by world-renowned sleep expert Dana Obelman, [Andi Metzler] uses these skills to coach struggling parents and kids alike. By working together, her and the family can comfortably answer questions and solve issues..."
“Help! My Daughter Won’t Sleep in Her Bed” by Alyssa Shelasky
“… We had a problem… My three-and-a-half year old, Hazel, wears sundresses in the winter, and ski boots in the summer. Instead of puzzles, we do nail polish. Instead of legos, she wants to freeze-dance. When she was a baby, she napped in restaurant nooks and on bookstore shag rugs, but never, ever, in a crib. Suffice it to say: I am not a mother who ever got bedtime right…