

Managing Toddler Fears and Nighttime Anxiety: A Guide for Peaceful Sleep

Managing Toddler Fears and Nighttime Anxiety: A Guide for Peaceful Sleep

Parenthood is a journey filled with all kinds of joyful moments, but it’s not without its challenges, especially during the toddler and preschool years. One common hurdle many parents face is managing their toddler's fears and nighttime anxiety. As a sleep consultant passionate about supporting families, I understand the impact these challenges can have on both parents and toddlers alike. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons behind toddler fears, share effective strategies for managing nighttime anxiety, and help you create a peaceful sleep environment for your little one.

When and How to Transition to One Nap

When and How to Transition to One Nap

Get of the details of transitioning your toddler to a one nap schedule. What are the signs your baby is ready? How do you make the change from 2 naps to 1?

How To Avoid Bedtime Stalling Tactics

How To Avoid Bedtime Stalling Tactics

Toddlers and preschoolers (and big kids) are master negotiators and have the best stalling tactics. They need an extra trip to the potty, another hug from big brother, a snack, or a sip of water, they are scared.  This list goes on and on. They can turn a 30-minute bedtime routine into an hour and a half easily. How do they do it? 

The bedtime routine can be a lovely time to connect with your child.  It’s not lovely if the routine becomes so long that it eats into the amount of time they need to be sleeping. Or if it prevents you from having time for yourself or your partner each evening.  They are both equally important.

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring and mouth breathing can be a sign that your little one is not getting restorative nighttime sleep. If your baby or toddler snore loudly or breath with their mouth open a visit to your pediatrician is a must. It could be the cause of nighttime sleep struggles and more.

How to Create the Perfect Nursery

How to Create the Perfect Nursery

How to create a baby’s room that will be conducive to healthy and restorative sleep for you little one. Making sure the room is dark and a few other hints and make a huge difference.