

Number 1 Tip for Short Naps

Number 1 Tip for Short Naps

When I have a discovery call with tired parents to discuss their baby’s sleep, short naps are the most common struggles they mention.  They tell me they spend 30 minutes trying to get their baby to fall asleep only to have them wake up 30 minutes later. If you have a baby that naps 4 times a day, putting them down could take up  hours of your day. Rough!

When And How To Transition To Two Naps

When And How To Transition To Two Naps

Naps are a HOT topic for parents. When teaching your baby to be a rockstar sleeper, naps can be the last thing to fall into place. And, right when a baby seems to find a rhythm, it’s time to drop a nap and start a new nap schedule all over again. So how and when do you make the shift from 3 to 2 naps a day?

How Do You know If Your Baby Is Ready To Transition From A 3 To A 2 Nap Schedule?

How Do You know If Your Baby Is Ready To Transition From A 3 To A 2 Nap Schedule?

As a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I spend a lot of time talking to parents about when and how to transition a nap schedule. For the most part, it comes down to knowing how long your baby should be awake. Once you know that information, you can get a better understanding of how many naps a day your baby will take.