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short naps

Number 1 Tip for Short Naps

Number 1 Tip for Short Naps

When I have a discovery call with tired parents to discuss their baby’s sleep, short naps are the most common struggles they mention.  They tell me they spend 30 minutes trying to get their baby to fall asleep only to have them wake up 30 minutes later. If you have a baby that naps 4 times a day, putting them down could take up  hours of your day. Rough!

Tips For Surviving The Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression

Tips For Surviving The Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression

The four-month sleep regression is, by far, the most well know regression of them all. As a certified sleep consultant, it is the number one reason parents of babies reach to me. Their baby, who once fell asleep relatively easily now take over an hour to go to sleep at bedtime. Or, baby is awake every 1-2 hours all night long and take short 30 minute naps. Learn why the regression is actually a progression along with tips to get through it.