
sleep training

The Truth About Cortisol and Sleep Training: What Every Parent Needs to Know

The Truth About Cortisol and Sleep Training: What Every Parent Needs to Know

If you’re navigating baby sleep training, you may have heard concerns about cortisol, often called the "stress hormone." Some parents worry that sleep training could cause a harmful rise in cortisol levels, leading to long-term stress or emotional challenges. But what does science really say? Let’s break it down.

Navigating Evenings Out Without Sacrificing Your Baby's Sleep

Navigating Evenings Out Without Sacrificing Your Baby's Sleep

Just the other day, I was reassuring a client that sleep training doesn’t mean giving up your social life. In fact, once your baby is a great sleeper, it’s easier to navigate occasional disruptions—like evenings out or even travel—without losing your progress. When everyone in the family is well-rested, flexibility becomes much more manageable. Here’s how to enjoy your evenings while protecting your baby’s sleep.

Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered

Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered

Motherhood is full of joy, excitement, and love. While these feelings are undeniably present, the journey is also marked by periods of exhaustion, loneliness, and overwhelming challenges—emotions that can be startlingly unexpected. The anxiety that accompanies sleepless nights, the frustration of an inconsolable baby, and the guilt that follows these intense feelings are seldom discussed openly.

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Every parent wants their child to get healthy sleep. Not every baby will be a great sleeper. The majority need some help learning to sleep well. But how to go about teaching your child to be a great sleeper can be a hard decision to make.

How and Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

How and Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

Becoming a mom was lovely and amazing, but it was also exhausting, overwhelming and at times agonizing. Sleep deprivation was effecting every part of my life. Teaching my daughter to become a great sleeper was the best parenting and life decision I’ve ever made. And it led to a career I love.

Navigating the Sleep Training Journey: Dos and Don'ts for Every Exhausted Parent

Navigating the Sleep Training Journey: Dos and Don'ts for Every Exhausted Parent

Hello tired parents! If you're reading this, chances are you're knee-deep in the sleep struggle trenches, desperately seeking a solution to those endless nights of interrupted sleep. Don’t worry! ,  You've landed in the right place!  Today we're diving into the do’s and don'ts of sleep training that will help you and your little ones finally catch those much-needed Zs.

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Is your child’s sleep a hot mess after summer vacations? Oftentimes there is a change in a baby or toddler’s sleep that is significant enough to allow new habits to creep in. A child’s sleep can go awry for a number of reasons. It might be due to sickness, a change in schedule, or the arrival of a new sibling. But, one of the most common reasons is travel.  

Did You Know There Are Four Types of Sleep Training?

Did You Know There Are Four Types of Sleep Training?

When most people think of sleep training, they imagine letting their baby cry unattended until they finally fall asleep. That’s a pretty gut-wrenching approach for most. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are several ways to teach your baby to be a great sleeper. It’s all about finding an approach that works for you and your family and then coming up with a plan and being consistent.

Is Hiring A Sleep Consultant Worth It?

Is Hiring A Sleep Consultant Worth It?

I became a mom 11 years ago and didn’t even know sleep consultants were a thing. I also knew very little about sleep in general. When I was pregnant, I spent lots of time learning about the development of the little human growing inside me, took breastfeeding classes, watched videos on swaddling, attended infant CPR and read books about infant development.  But where was the information about sleep?

So, I did what most new moms do. I Googled ‘how to get your baby to sleep more’ in the wee hours of the night. I also asked my friends and family for advice and eventually read several books about infant sleep.