
Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered

Motherhood is full of joy, excitement, and love. While these feelings are undeniably present, the journey is also marked by periods of exhaustion, loneliness, and overwhelming challenges—emotions that can be startlingly unexpected. The anxiety that accompanies sleepless nights, the frustration of an inconsolable baby, and the guilt that follows these intense feelings are seldom discussed openly.

Despite reading every book, taking every class, and following every piece of advice on swaddling, soothing, and sleep strategies, I still felt unprepared for the reality of caring for a newborn. The learning curve was steep, and the emotional rollercoaster was intense. My own experiences were a chaotic blend of highs and lows, but it was the stories of other mothers that provided solace and guidance. Whether through friends, family, acquaintances, or even anonymous voices on forums, knowing that others had faced similar struggles made a world of difference.

If you’re a tired mama grappling with bedtime battles, frequent night wakings, or short naps, I hope that by sharing the story of a recent client, you find the same comfort and reassurance that I once did.

Let me introduce you to Kate, an incredible first-time mom who transformed from exhausted to well-rested and confident about her daughter’s sleep in just a few days.

Kate's Journey: From Exhaustion to Empowerment

A month ago, Kate, a first-time mom to a delightful 5-month-old baby girl named Harper, reached out to me. The sleep situation in her home had become untenable. What was once a simple bedtime routine had evolved into an ordeal. Harper’s bedtime had stretched from manageable to frustratingly lengthy. Kate had never planned on bed-sharing, but it had become the only way Harper would fall asleep, leading to Dad sleeping on the floor to avoid disrupting their sleep. Harper was waking up multiple times each night and needing up to five-night feeds. The whole family was running on empty.

Feeling overwhelmed and unsure, Kate purchased my bedtime support package, seeking guidance for the initial three hours of bedtime. I walked her through the process, offering encouragement and support. By the end of the first night, Kate was thrilled to see Harper fall asleep in just 36 minutes—an amazing feat!

Transformative Changes in Just a Few Weeks

Since we began working together, Kate’s family has experienced remarkable changes:

  • Bedtime Routine: Harper now falls asleep easily and quickly. Bedtime, once dreaded, has become smooth and predictable.

  • Night Sleep: Harper sleeps 11 to 12 hours each night, with an occasional night feed, significantly improving her sleep patterns.

  • Naps: She takes three solid naps a day, totaling three to three and a half hours of daytime sleep.

  • Family Well-being: Kate and her husband are now enjoying rejuvenating sleep, and Kate’s anxiety has diminished due to the new predictability in their daily routine.

Here are a few messages Kate sent me during our time together:

  • “I feel like my life has changed.”

  • “OMG Andi, this is so good! It’s like she’s a different baby!”

  • “She woke up zero times last night. Not a single cry!”

  • “Andi, I am so, so, so happy and grateful for you. Harper has never slept like this.”

Kate’s journey highlights how targeted support and practical strategies can bring about significant changes in a family’s sleep dynamics. If you’re struggling with similar issues, remember that help is available and transformative results are possible. The support from others, whether through professional help or shared experiences, can make a world of difference in navigating the challenging yet rewarding path of motherhood.

To chat about working together, book a free 15 minute discovery session