

Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered

Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered

Motherhood is full of joy, excitement, and love. While these feelings are undeniably present, the journey is also marked by periods of exhaustion, loneliness, and overwhelming challenges—emotions that can be startlingly unexpected. The anxiety that accompanies sleepless nights, the frustration of an inconsolable baby, and the guilt that follows these intense feelings are seldom discussed openly.

Mama, you are not in this alone

Mama, you are not in this alone

When I became a mother 10 years ago, my world was rocked. I undoubtedly experienced the most intense and instantaneous kind of love, but I also slowly became filled with self-doubt and insecurity. There were so many decisions to be made: would I nurse or bottle feed or both? Did my baby nap on me or in a bassinet? When should I start going to play groups? Did I use the wrong kind of laundry detergent? Was I being irresponsible if I ditched the cloth diapers I’d had my heart set on using?