
How and Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

“A sleep consultant is an actual thing?” is pretty much what my husband said when I reached out to one to help me teach my daughter to be an awesome sleeper. He was, however, eating his words when our four-month-old daughter went from waking every hour and a half to only once a night to feed in just 3 days. It was life-changing.

I Am A Former Tired Mama. I Get It.

When my son was born, 3.5 years earlier, I read several infant sleep books filled with great information, but I was too tired in the middle of the night to implement what I’d read or I couldn’t remember which book I needed to reference.  

When my daughter was born, I could also be found Googling “how to get your baby to sleep through the night” or asking every one of my friends who had a “great sleeper” what her trick was.  

Then I had moments of thinking that this stage would pass or that I’d eventually figure it out.  Ugh...months and months went by and we were all so tired.

I Had A Breakthrough

Well, more like a breakdown. I was at my parent’s house in Arizona with an infant who NEVER slept and a 3-year-old who was having epic tantrums. And did I mention my husband was away for 6 weeks for his new job? I was in a dark place and something had to change.

When I started sobbing uncontrollably (makes sense now that I know good sleep helps regulate our emotions) in my mom’s kitchen she came to the rescue with a couple of different sleep training options she had just looked up on her phone.  I made the call and it’s hands down the best parenting and life decision I've ever made.

Sleep Is Magic

I knew I was tired, but I had no idea what sleep deprivation was doing to my life, my health, my body image, my relationships, my marriage, and my patience (or lack thereof) with my toddler. 

Once my kids were sleeping well, everything got better. I started getting more sleep which meant I stayed up late enough to have an actual conversation with my husband.  I started reaching out to friends and connecting with my people. I started exercising again. I made time for my toddler.  I was taking care of me, which was making me a much better person, mom, friend, and wife.  

The Email That That Gave Me A New Purpose

One afternoon, while lying on the couch enjoying some downtime while my daughter was napping, I was mindlessly scrolling through my emails.  I received an email about how to become a certified sleep consultant. It made me pause and I thought to myself, “This is it! This is what I’m going to do.”

I was starting to lose my passion for teaching (something I once LOVED), I was becoming resentful that my husband and I had opposite work hours, and wanted more flexibility and control of my schedule.  And, I’ve ALWAYS loved sleep.  This seemed pretty perfect!

Well, until I thought about the logistics...It was a pretty hefty financial investment and to make it in a year when my husband took a pay cut for his new job seemed a bit risky.  It also meant leaving my family, while still nursing my daughter, and giving up a rare 4 days together so I could fly off to Florida and invest in myself and a new business. 

I took some serious time to think about this decision and decided to stop being so practical and follow my gut. My instinct said to go for it. And, I’m so glad I did.  

In the past 7.5 years, I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of families get the sleep they need to be happier, healthier people. I am so grateful I get to do what I do. Sleep is my jam!

I’m here to remind you that sleep is not a luxury, it’s an absolute necessity.  If your little one is not sleeping well, reach out. I’m here for ya, mama.