
sleeping through the night

Can You Sleep Train and Bed Share? Everything You Need to Know

Can You Sleep Train and Bed Share? Everything You Need to Know

When bed sharing, babies often depend on feeding and close contact with a parent to fall asleep. This dependence usually extends to night wakings, where they need the same conditions to fall back asleep. Asking your baby to self-soothe and sleep independently while the things they rely on, such as nursing or physical contact, are right there but unavailable can be very confusing and counterproductive.

When to Ditch the Bottle: A Supportive Guide for Tired Parents

When to Ditch the Bottle: A Supportive Guide for Tired Parents

As a mom who's been through the ups and downs of babyhood, toddlerhood, and everything in between, I know firsthand how much you rely on that trusty bottle to get through the day (and sometimes night!). A common question as a sleep consultant is, “When should we start saying goodbye to the bottle?” It's a milestone that’s both exciting and a little daunting. But don’t worry—making this change doesn’t have to be stressful! With a little understanding of when and why to do it, you can help your little one transition smoothly while supporting their overall health and development.

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Every parent wants their child to get healthy sleep. Not every baby will be a great sleeper. The majority need some help learning to sleep well. But how to go about teaching your child to be a great sleeper can be a hard decision to make.

Will Melatonin Help My Child Sleep Through The Night?

Will Melatonin Help My Child Sleep Through The Night?

If you’ve considered giving your kiddos melatonin gummies to solve bedtime battles and night wakings you are not alone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t eliminate night wakings and is a band-aid fix. Melatonin is also not recommended for most kids. Here is what you need to know about melatonin.

Is Hunger Causing Night Wakings?

Is Hunger Causing Night Wakings?

How do you know if your baby is waking from hunger at night? Take a peek at this checklist to help you figure out if your little one still needs a night feed or is ready to sleep longer stretches at night. Often times a baby is simply accustomed to a feed to help get back to sleep. Once you know if this is the case or not, you can move forward more confidently.

Is Hiring A Sleep Consultant Worth It?

Is Hiring A Sleep Consultant Worth It?

I became a mom 11 years ago and didn’t even know sleep consultants were a thing. I also knew very little about sleep in general. When I was pregnant, I spent lots of time learning about the development of the little human growing inside me, took breastfeeding classes, watched videos on swaddling, attended infant CPR and read books about infant development.  But where was the information about sleep?

So, I did what most new moms do. I Googled ‘how to get your baby to sleep more’ in the wee hours of the night. I also asked my friends and family for advice and eventually read several books about infant sleep.

Two Things You Can Do To Eliminate Night Feeds

Two Things You Can Do To Eliminate Night Feeds

We all function best with an uninterrupted good night’s sleep. When you have a baby, it’s inevitable that sleep will be fragmented for some time during those first few months. But how long will it take for a baby to drop night feeds and start sleeping through the night?

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring and mouth breathing can be a sign that your little one is not getting restorative nighttime sleep. If your baby or toddler snore loudly or breath with their mouth open a visit to your pediatrician is a must. It could be the cause of nighttime sleep struggles and more.

The Dream feed And Why I'm Not A Fan

The Dream feed And Why I'm Not A Fan

If you’re a parent, you’ve most likely struggled with multiple night wakings at some point. That ultimately leads to parents googling how to find a “fix” and help their baby sleep longer stretches at night. One popular “solution” is the dream feed. I’m not a fan. Let me explain more about it and why.

Benefits of Sleep For Babies & Kids

Benefits of Sleep For Babies & Kids

One of the most frustrating sleep myths out there is parents hearing they should sacrifice sleep for several years once their baby is born. Sleep deprivation is a serious problem and not a badge of honor. How is sacrificing your health and mood something that should be done for several years? And, if you’re exhausted from a broken night’s sleep, your child must be feeling it too.