If you're a parent, you've likely encountered what I call a "false start." This isn’t industry jargon; it's a term that describes a common sleep issue many families face. Picture this: you’ve lovingly settled your little one down for the night. They drift off, only to wake up again 20-30 minutes later. Frustrating, right? Let’s dive more into what false starts are and how to address them effectively.
The Truth About Sleep Props: Do They Help or Hurt Your Baby's Sleep?
The baby industry is loaded with sleep aids, from the latest swaddles and pacifiers to high-tech bassinets. In the world of sleep consulting, we often refer to these items as "sleep props," but you might also hear them called "crutches" or "sleep associations." But do these props actually contribute to better sleep, or could they be hindering it?
Kate's Story: Exhausted to Empowered
Motherhood is full of joy, excitement, and love. While these feelings are undeniably present, the journey is also marked by periods of exhaustion, loneliness, and overwhelming challenges—emotions that can be startlingly unexpected. The anxiety that accompanies sleepless nights, the frustration of an inconsolable baby, and the guilt that follows these intense feelings are seldom discussed openly.
Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You
Why Sleep Training Didn't Work
“I’ve tried everything to get my baby to sleep and nothing has worked.” This is a sentence I hear in nearly every call I have with tired moms. These moms are desperate for answers, reading books, scrolling the internet and social media, asking friends for their secrets and even buying “one size fits all” sleep training programs. It can be extremely overwhelming to have contradictory information coming from all sides. How do you know who to trust?
Is Hunger Causing Night Wakings?
How do you know if your baby is waking from hunger at night? Take a peek at this checklist to help you figure out if your little one still needs a night feed or is ready to sleep longer stretches at night. Often times a baby is simply accustomed to a feed to help get back to sleep. Once you know if this is the case or not, you can move forward more confidently.
How To Sleep In A Hotel With Kids
Creating a Calming Bedtime Routine for Your Newborn
Welcoming a newborn into your family is an exhilarating experience, filled with moments of joy and wonder. However, it's no secret that those early days and nights can also be quite challenging, especially when it comes to establishing a consistent bedtime routine. A calming bedtime routine is not only beneficial for your newborn's well-being but can also contribute to a more restful night for the entire family. I have some easy-to-follow suggestions for establishing a calming bedtime routine for your little one.
Spring Travel & Sleep
We all just survived the time change of Daylight Saving and now it’s spring break. It’s time for a fun family trip and often that means different time zones, messing with naps, or staying up late. Nothing lights up my soul more than travel, so I do everything I can to make sure sleep stays intact during our family trip.
Navigating the Sleep Training Journey: Dos and Don'ts for Every Exhausted Parent
Hello tired parents! If you're reading this, chances are you're knee-deep in the sleep struggle trenches, desperately seeking a solution to those endless nights of interrupted sleep. Don’t worry! , You've landed in the right place! Today we're diving into the do’s and don'ts of sleep training that will help you and your little ones finally catch those much-needed Zs.