
Spring Travel & Sleep

We all just survived Daylight Saving Time and now it’s spring break. It’s time for a fun family trip and often that means different time zones, messing with naps or staying up late. Nothing lights up my soul more than travel, so I do everything I can to make sure sleep stays intact during our family trip so we can all enjoy our time away.

One thing I know for sure is that a vacation is a lot more enjoyable when your kids are sleeping well. To keep your vacation feeling like a vacation, make sure everyone is getting the best sleep possible. I’ve got a few tips for you below.

Overscheduling is a no-no

Remember, a vacation with kids is not going to be at the same pace as it was in your kid-free days. Preventing overtiredness so that your little one isn’t melting down throughout the day or having epic bedtime battles is key. Keep their sleep a priority by scheduling activities during their normal awake window. And, don’t forget to allow for some downtime. Rushing from one activity to another can make everyone exhausted, especially with a little one in tow.

Don’t skip naps

The occasional car seat or stroller nap won’t be an issue. But, make sure not to do it more than 2 days in a row or you're asking for overtiredness. If you have a child who sleeps beautifully for naps at home, he will probably fall asleep in the  stroller, but will typically not sleep as long.

An easy rule of thumb is to “mess” with their schedule 20% of the time, but maintain consistency 80%.

Mimic their home sleep environment

Babies sleep best in a cool, dark environment and one that is similar to their own sleep space at home. 

Keep it dark

Bringing something along to blackout the room is crucial. My absolute favorite travel accessory is the Slumberpod (use code ANDIMETZLERSLEEPCONSULTING for a $20 discount) because it not only blocks light, but it’s also a visual barrier. If your baby isn’t used to you sleeping in the same room, it can be super stimulating and cause early morning wakings.

Of course, you can also bring a dark sheet or black trash bags to block out the light. It doesn’t need to be pretty, just effective.

Don’t forget their consistencies

If your child uses a white noise machine, has a comfort item or is still in a sleep sack, pack those in your suitcase and bring ‘em along. 

If your kiddo sleeps in a sleep sack, which I highly recommend until the age of 3, make sure you bring it on your trip as well. 

I love a sleep sack for 3 reasons:

  1. It’s a wearable blanket and helps keep your baby warm. Even when he is old enough to have a blanket in the crib (1-year old), a sleep sack is a must, as toddlers are crazy sleepers and will inevitably kick a blanket off.

  2. It’s a cue for sleep. A baby only wears a sleep sack for nighttime sleep and naps so it’s a great cue that sleep is coming and your baby will know what to expect.

  3. It can hinder crib jumping. For some toddlers, it’s going to restrict that leg just enough to prevent crib jumping so that you can keep your child in a crib until they are ready to transition to a bed

My favorite sleep sacks are from Woolino (use code ANDIMETZLER10 for a discount), as they are made from Merino wool which helps regulate body temperature.

Be patient as your baby is adjusting, too

It’s normal for babies and toddlers to take a few days to adjust to a new environment or to test the boundaries when somewhere new. Your baby may protest at bedtime or have a night waking or two. The best way to respond is with consistency and the same way you would at home. If you do timed check-ins, do that. Most likely, if handled with consistency, it will pass in a day or two.

The wrap-up

  • Vacations are better when everyone is well-rested

  • Don’t overschedule your trip

  • Don’t skip naps

  • Keep it dark and cool

  • Bring their white noise machine, comfort item and sleep sack

  • Be patient

If you’d like to learn more about teaching your child to be an amazing sleeper and are interested in personalized support and guidance, check out my sleep packages. I’m here to help!