The word ‘regression’ is thrown around left and right in regard to baby sleep. Is it the 4-month, 8-month, or 12-month sleep regression that is wreaking havoc on your baby’s sleep? There are many reasons why your child might suddenly have a hard time going to sleep, staying asleep, or taking great naps. And, it actually might not be a regression at all.
How to Transition Out of a Swaddle
A swaddle can be a powerful tool to help a newborn sleep well. But knowing when and how to transition out of a swaddle is not only important safety information, but it can also help your baby from becoming dependent on the fit of a swaddle in order to be able to fall asleep. Teaching your baby how to fall asleep without relying on something external is beneficial for the entire family.
Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel
Is your child’s sleep a hot mess after summer vacations? Oftentimes there is a change in a baby or toddler’s sleep that is significant enough to allow new habits to creep in. A child’s sleep can go awry for a number of reasons. It might be due to sickness, a change in schedule, or the arrival of a new sibling. But, one of the most common reasons is travel.
Baby's Nap Schedule By Age
“What’s the best nap schedule for my baby?” is a question I get asked by clients and during my weekly Instagram Q&A all the time. I get it - trying to figure out when a baby should nap can be confusing being that sleep and hunger cues are very similar. Also, is a baby taking short naps because they are under-tired or over-tired? It’s top of mind for most moms.
I’m going to break it down by age, but feel free to screenshot this graphic so that you have a cheat sheet handy for the next several years.
When And How To Transition To Two Naps
Naps are a HOT topic for parents. When teaching your baby to be a rockstar sleeper, naps can be the last thing to fall into place. And, right when a baby seems to find a rhythm, it’s time to drop a nap and start a new nap schedule all over again. So how and when do you make the shift from 3 to 2 naps a day?
Did You Know There Are Four Types of Sleep Training?
When most people think of sleep training, they imagine letting their baby cry unattended until they finally fall asleep. That’s a pretty gut-wrenching approach for most. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. There are several ways to teach your baby to be a great sleeper. It’s all about finding an approach that works for you and your family and then coming up with a plan and being consistent.
Is Hiring A Sleep Consultant Worth It?
I became a mom 11 years ago and didn’t even know sleep consultants were a thing. I also knew very little about sleep in general. When I was pregnant, I spent lots of time learning about the development of the little human growing inside me, took breastfeeding classes, watched videos on swaddling, attended infant CPR and read books about infant development. But where was the information about sleep?
So, I did what most new moms do. I Googled ‘how to get your baby to sleep more’ in the wee hours of the night. I also asked my friends and family for advice and eventually read several books about infant sleep.
How To Avoid Bedtime Stalling Tactics
Toddlers and preschoolers (and big kids) are master negotiators and have the best stalling tactics. They need an extra trip to the potty, another hug from big brother, a snack, or a sip of water, they are scared. This list goes on and on. They can turn a 30-minute bedtime routine into an hour and a half easily. How do they do it?
The bedtime routine can be a lovely time to connect with your child. It’s not lovely if the routine becomes so long that it eats into the amount of time they need to be sleeping. Or if it prevents you from having time for yourself or your partner each evening. They are both equally important.
A Newborn’s Daytime Schedule Can Help With Nighttime Sleep
5 Tips for Siblings Sharing a Room
If you have more than one kiddo, you’ve probably considered having them share a room. There are pros and cons to room sharing. If you decide to make the plunge, there are several things you can do in preparation for transitioning your kids into the same room that will make the change so much easier and more successful.