
Big Kids

Navigating the Sleep Training Journey: Dos and Don'ts for Every Exhausted Parent

Navigating the Sleep Training Journey: Dos and Don'ts for Every Exhausted Parent

Hello tired parents! If you're reading this, chances are you're knee-deep in the sleep struggle trenches, desperately seeking a solution to those endless nights of interrupted sleep. Don’t worry! ,  You've landed in the right place!  Today we're diving into the do’s and don'ts of sleep training that will help you and your little ones finally catch those much-needed Zs.

Sleep Tips For Preschoolers & Big Kids

Sleep Tips For Preschoolers & Big Kids

It’s never too late (or too early) to start laying a foundation for healthy sleep or to start teaching your kiddo to be an amazing sleeper. Just imagine enjoying a 30-minute bedtime routine with your child, tucking them into bed, they drift off into a peaceful slumber and you see them 9-11 hours later.

We all need good, unfragmented sleep to be healthy, happy people. Why not teach your child the skill (yes, it’s a skill that can be taught) so that they will reap the health benefits of a great night’s sleep? And hey, it’s no small bonus to have a few hours to yourself in the evening once your kids are in bed AND for you to get the necessary 7-9 hours of sleep adults need.

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Is your child’s sleep a hot mess after summer vacations? Oftentimes there is a change in a baby or toddler’s sleep that is significant enough to allow new habits to creep in. A child’s sleep can go awry for a number of reasons. It might be due to sickness, a change in schedule, or the arrival of a new sibling. But, one of the most common reasons is travel.  

How To Avoid Bedtime Stalling Tactics

How To Avoid Bedtime Stalling Tactics

Toddlers and preschoolers (and big kids) are master negotiators and have the best stalling tactics. They need an extra trip to the potty, another hug from big brother, a snack, or a sip of water, they are scared.  This list goes on and on. They can turn a 30-minute bedtime routine into an hour and a half easily. How do they do it? 

The bedtime routine can be a lovely time to connect with your child.  It’s not lovely if the routine becomes so long that it eats into the amount of time they need to be sleeping. Or if it prevents you from having time for yourself or your partner each evening.  They are both equally important.

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime routines are beneficial for babies, kids, and adults.  I have a routine that helps me settle my mind and prepare for bed. Here’s what I do: put on pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, put a glass of water on my nightstand (which I almost never drink) and layout my earplugs in case my husband snores, arrange my pillows and think about what I’m grateful for as I drift to sleep.  The steps of the routine, which happen in the same order each night, help me anticipate going to sleep. The process is equally important for toddlers and big kids. And hey, if you’ve never had a routine for your kiddo, it’s not too late. Start tonight!

When To Hire A Sleep Consultant

When To Hire A Sleep Consultant

A sleep consultant is a coach. Just like a coach in any other industry, a sleep coach is going to get you to your goals faster and with less stress. They hold your hand through the process, hold you accountable and take out the guesswork. No more Googling in the middle of the night.

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring and mouth breathing can be a sign that your little one is not getting restorative nighttime sleep. If your baby or toddler snore loudly or breath with their mouth open a visit to your pediatrician is a must. It could be the cause of nighttime sleep struggles and more.