
Still Dealing With Early Morning Wakings?

It’s been over 2 weeks (for most of us) since we set our clocks back an hour. Let’s go over what’s “normal” and then some tips and tricks to get things back on track.

What’s Normal?

On average, babies 4 months of age and older will wake for the day between 6-7 am.  Not only is this a pretty acceptable time to start the day, but if your baby is going to bed when their natural circadian rhythm calls, they are most likely getting the necessary 11-12 hours of nighttime sleep. There are so many pros to an early bedtime.

When there is a change to the time or nap schedules, it takes our kid’s bodies 4-6 weeks to adjust. I know, it’s not ideal, but take a deep breath knowing this is part of the process, but there are things you can do to ensure it’s going in the right direction.

Check List

Here are a few things to run through if your baby is waking before 6 am to start the day.

  • Number of Naps.  Is your baby taking an appropriate amount of naps each day?  Knowing if it’s time to transition from 3 to 2 or 2 to 1 is super helpful as it can affect morning wake-ups.

  • Amount of Daytime Sleep.  Make sure there’s not too little or too much daytime sleep going on. Here’s a handy sleep chart to print out that can help.

  • Is your baby getting enough awake time before bed? You can find this information broken down by age here.

Tips To Improve Early Morning Wakings

  1. Dark, dark, and darker. I know! I probably mention this in every blog post, but it’s SO true. The darker the room the better. It should be pitch black. So dark you can hardly see your hand in front of your face.  And, it should be just as dark at 4 am as it is at midnight. Investing in blackout blinds such as BlackoutEZ Window Covers is a great option. Another great choice is Sleepout and you can travel with these! Of course, covering the window with a dark sheet or cardboard is a great temporary solution.

  2. Don’t forget the sound machine. It should be real white noise, not ocean waves or lullaby music. Using a sound machine the entire night helps block any external noise that might pull baby out of a sleep cycle prematurely. It simply protects their sleep.

  3. How’s the temperature? The ideal sleep temperature is between 68 and 72 degrees.  Keep in mind that the body temperature naturally drops a few hours before waking (usually, around 4 am) so make sure baby is dressed appropriately and in a sleep sack.  My favorite sleep sack is the Woolino as it helps regulate body temperature.

  4. Just wait. When you hear your little one start to wake up, set a 2-10 minute timer. This actually gives him the chance to link a sleep cycle. He just might surprise you.

  5. Delay the fun. What’s happening first thing in the morning? If he is immediately getting a feed, or coming into a parent’s bed, or getting screen time (mostly for toddlers), you bet he is waking early in anticipation of the good times. Delay the fun by. If it’s a feed, wait at least 10 minutes. For screen time I’d recommend waiting 60 minutes.

When Should You Call It Morning?

I suggest calling it morning at 6 am at the very earliest. If your baby wakes before 6 am, go in for timed check-ins if he is upset. If at 6 am he is still awake, call it morning and let him know so by opening blinds, turning on lights, turning off the sound machine, taking his sleep sack off, and talking to him in a cheerful voice before you get him out of the crib.  Then, take him to the common area of the house and expose him to light for a few minutes.

Bedtime Routine Checklist

What happens at bedtime can impact the morning wake-up time.  

  • Is baby drowsy at all during the bedtime feed or bedtime routine? Once a baby is out of the newborn phase, “drowsy but awake” no longer works. Keep him fully alert during the entire routine.

  • The feed is the 1st step of the routine. Yup! Even before bath. This way, the feed finishes at least 15-20 minutes from going down to sleep and you can make sure there isn’t an association between feeding and sleeping.

  • Is the bedtime routine at the right time? Meaning is baby over or under tired. Try moving bedtime 20-30 minutes earlier for about a week. If you don’t see a change in the morning wake-up time, try moving it 20-30 minutes later.

Recap of Early Morning Waking Tips

  • Know your baby’s appropriate amount of daytime sleep and awake window.

  • Make sure the sleep environment is dark, cool, and calm.

  • Double-check that bedtime routine.

And hey, if you have other sleep struggles going on in addition to early mornings, send an email my way. Helping families become well-rested by teaching a baby to be a rockstar sleeper is my jam!

P.S. Don’t forget to print out this awesome sleep chart of the number of naps and awake times by age. Post it on your fridge!