
rolling over

How to Transition Out of the Swaddle for Better Infant Sleep

How to Transition Out of the Swaddle for Better Infant Sleep

A swaddle can be a powerful tool to help a newborn sleep well. But knowing when and how to transition out of a swaddle is not only important for safety but also helps prevent your baby from becoming dependent on it for sleep. Teaching your baby how to fall asleep without relying on something external benefits the entire family and fosters healthy sleep habits.

Rolling Over in the Crib

Rolling Over in the Crib

When your baby is learning a new skill, there is a pretty good chance it’s going to disrupt their sleep. Babies love to practice these skills when they should be sleeping.  

Rolling over is one of the first big developmental milestones that affects sleep. Most babies start to roll over around 4 months old. But, every baby is different and it may not happen until baby is closer to 6 months old.

If you’ve got a great sleeper, it can wreak havoc on your and your baby’s sleep.  Below are a few things you can do to safely work through this big change.