
big kids sleep

Sleep Tips For Preschoolers & Big Kids

Sleep Tips For Preschoolers & Big Kids

It’s never too late (or too early) to start laying a foundation for healthy sleep or to start teaching your kiddo to be an amazing sleeper. Just imagine enjoying a 30-minute bedtime routine with your child, tucking them into bed, they drift off into a peaceful slumber and you see them 9-11 hours later.

We all need good, unfragmented sleep to be healthy, happy people. Why not teach your child the skill (yes, it’s a skill that can be taught) so that they will reap the health benefits of a great night’s sleep? And hey, it’s no small bonus to have a few hours to yourself in the evening once your kids are in bed AND for you to get the necessary 7-9 hours of sleep adults need.

Guide to A Later Summertime Bedtime For Your Kids

Guide to A Later Summertime Bedtime For Your Kids

Two years ago, when the world shut down and our kids didn’t have to be up for school, I decided to push bedtime a bit later. It was so nice to be able to enjoy some daylight after dinner. Both of my kids, who were then 4 and 7 years old, started sleeping in just a tad later. It was glorious to have longer evenings and later mornings. Now it’s something I do every summer. Let me go over how to make this happen.

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime routines are beneficial for babies, kids, and adults.  I have a routine that helps me settle my mind and prepare for bed. Here’s what I do: put on pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, put a glass of water on my nightstand (which I almost never drink) and layout my earplugs in case my husband snores, arrange my pillows and think about what I’m grateful for as I drift to sleep.  The steps of the routine, which happen in the same order each night, help me anticipate going to sleep. The process is equally important for toddlers and big kids. And hey, if you’ve never had a routine for your kiddo, it’s not too late. Start tonight!