
bedtime battles

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime routines are beneficial for babies, kids, and adults.  I have a routine that helps me settle my mind and prepare for bed. Here’s what I do: put on pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, put a glass of water on my nightstand (which I almost never drink) and layout my earplugs in case my husband snores, arrange my pillows and think about what I’m grateful for as I drift to sleep.  The steps of the routine, which happen in the same order each night, help me anticipate going to sleep. The process is equally important for toddlers and big kids. And hey, if you’ve never had a routine for your kiddo, it’s not too late. Start tonight!

Will Melatonin Help My Child Sleep Through The Night?

Will Melatonin Help My Child Sleep Through The Night?

If you’ve considered giving your kiddos melatonin gummies to solve bedtime battles and night wakings you are not alone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t eliminate night wakings and is a band-aid fix. Melatonin is also not recommended for most kids. Here is what you need to know about melatonin.