
night wakings

Rolling Over in the Crib

Rolling Over in the Crib

When your baby is learning a new skill, there is a pretty good chance it’s going to disrupt their sleep. Babies love to practice these skills when they should be sleeping.  

Rolling over is one of the first big developmental milestones that affects sleep. Most babies start to roll over around 4 months old. But, every baby is different and it may not happen until baby is closer to 6 months old.

If you’ve got a great sleeper, it can wreak havoc on your and your baby’s sleep.  Below are a few things you can do to safely work through this big change.

What's the deal with drowsy but awake?

What's the deal with drowsy but awake?

If you are a mom who has struggled with your child’s sleep, you’ve most definitely heard about drowsy but awake. In fact, it’s often referred to as a preferred method of helping your baby learn to be a great sleeper. It absolutely is NOT a helpful method to teach your baby to sleep well. 

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Travel

Is your child’s sleep a hot mess after summer vacations? Oftentimes there is a change in a baby or toddler’s sleep that is significant enough to allow new habits to creep in. A child’s sleep can go awry for a number of reasons. It might be due to sickness, a change in schedule, or the arrival of a new sibling. But, one of the most common reasons is travel.  

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Sleep Training: Deciding If It's Right for You

Every parent wants their child to get healthy sleep. Not every baby will be a great sleeper. The majority need some help learning to sleep well. But how to go about teaching your child to be a great sleeper can be a hard decision to make.

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime Routines for Toddlers & Big Kids

Bedtime routines are beneficial for babies, kids, and adults.  I have a routine that helps me settle my mind and prepare for bed. Here’s what I do: put on pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, put a glass of water on my nightstand (which I almost never drink) and layout my earplugs in case my husband snores, arrange my pillows and think about what I’m grateful for as I drift to sleep.  The steps of the routine, which happen in the same order each night, help me anticipate going to sleep. The process is equally important for toddlers and big kids. And hey, if you’ve never had a routine for your kiddo, it’s not too late. Start tonight!

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring, Mouth Breathing And Sleep—What Every Mom Needs To Know

Snoring and mouth breathing can be a sign that your little one is not getting restorative nighttime sleep. If your baby or toddler snore loudly or breath with their mouth open a visit to your pediatrician is a must. It could be the cause of nighttime sleep struggles and more.

The Dream feed And Why I'm Not A Fan

The Dream feed And Why I'm Not A Fan

If you’re a parent, you’ve most likely struggled with multiple night wakings at some point. That ultimately leads to parents googling how to find a “fix” and help their baby sleep longer stretches at night. One popular “solution” is the dream feed. I’m not a fan. Let me explain more about it and why.

My Baby Won’t Sleep. Is It Teething?

My Baby Won’t Sleep. Is It Teething?

Teething gets blamed for it all. Fussy baby? It’s probably teething. Your baby is drooling a lot, his hands are always in his mouth and his cheeks are red. Yup, teething. He wakes up multiple times a night. Could be teething. Let’s debunk a few myths about teething and learn how and why you can have a baby that sleeps well and has teeth.

Tips For Surviving The Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression

Tips For Surviving The Dreaded Four-Month Sleep Regression

The four-month sleep regression is, by far, the most well know regression of them all. As a certified sleep consultant, it is the number one reason parents of babies reach to me. Their baby, who once fell asleep relatively easily now take over an hour to go to sleep at bedtime. Or, baby is awake every 1-2 hours all night long and take short 30 minute naps. Learn why the regression is actually a progression along with tips to get through it.