
nap transitions

Baby's Nap Schedule By Age

Baby's Nap Schedule By Age

“What’s the best nap schedule for my baby?” is a question I get asked by clients and during my weekly Instagram Q&A all the time. I get it - trying to figure out when a baby should nap can be confusing being that sleep and hunger cues are very similar. Also, is a baby taking short naps because they are under-tired or over-tired? It’s top of mind for most moms.

I’m going to break it down by age, but feel free to screenshot this graphic so that you have a cheat sheet handy for the next several years.

When And How To Transition To Two Naps

When And How To Transition To Two Naps

Naps are a HOT topic for parents. When teaching your baby to be a rockstar sleeper, naps can be the last thing to fall into place. And, right when a baby seems to find a rhythm, it’s time to drop a nap and start a new nap schedule all over again. So how and when do you make the shift from 3 to 2 naps a day?